sellytics Blog

Amazon Bestseller Rank | BSR

The Amazon Best Seller rank, or BSR, is an important indicator in the marketing discipline Amazon SEO. It should be noted here that this not only plays a major role for private labelers, for example in product research, but should also be important for retailers with already listed products.

In the following article I would like to give you an overview about the meaning, the calculation, the importance and the application possibilities of BSR´s. Further I hope to uncover some efforts and to solve the general confusion to the topic BSR. Continue reading →

Amazon product images

Product images in e-commerce

The problem with which every online shop, every marketplace and of course Amazon, as one of the largest marketplaces in the world, has to deal, is how to compensate for the lack of haptics in purchasing decisions.

In retail, a potential customer can not only perceive a product through visual stimuli, i.e. through its appearance, but can also include any haptic stimuli in the purchase decision. We do this, for example, when we try on a jacket in a store. The decisive factor then is not only how the jacket worked on the mannequin, but also how it works on ourselves, feels and sometimes even smells. Only when all these impressions are right do we decide to buy.

All these steps of the buying process are eliminated in e-commerce. The user can only determine whether he buys a certain product or not on the basis of product images and a product description. Continue reading →

Amazon Product Title

Product Title Basics

First of all, we will take a closer look at the length of the product title. In Germany, 500 characters are available for the product title on the marketplace. This is quite a lot compared to Google and Co, where SEOs are familiar with title lengths of 80 characters. Amazon therefore offers its dealers a lot of space to describe the products in the title as precisely as possible, or to equip them with the right set of keywords.

But be careful! The American marketplace has already seen the first changes in this respect, with the maximum length of the product title being limited to 200 characters. This is not yet the case on the German marketplace, but the past has shown that Amazon likes to test changes first on the American marketplace and then later also on the other marketplaces. For this reason, it is recommended to reduce the title length to 200 characters, as it is to be expected that Amazon will soon punish longer product titles on as well. Continue reading →

First steps using the sellytics DATA API

Important: This article refers to sellytics DATA API. This API uses different grant_type(s) than the other sellytics APIs and you need special scopes and resource rights to use this api. If you’re interested to get such an API access or extend your existing API access just contact us.


Getting access using OAuth 2.0 and client_credentials

After receiving your sellytics OAuth2 client_id and client_secret you are able to start using the sellytics DATA API. Because the DATA API is a sub-product of sellytics where no user data is involved everything happens behalf of your own client and that’s why you have to use the client_credentials grant. We follow the OAuth2 specification and RFC6749 so the POST request to get your JWT Bearer access token should look like this one:

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8' \
     -u 'client_id:client_secret' \
     --data-urlencode "grant_type=client_credentials"

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How to get amazon product images and image urls

To get the amazon product images or pictures from the sellytics DATA API you need as always your access token. You get more information about how to obtain an access token from here.


Amazon product images are useful for content creators, displaying thumbnails in an affiliate store or using the images otherwise for your commodities management and other purposes. With the sellytics DATA API it’s really simple to obtain image urls from an amazon product.

Access product details which include product image urls

You can use the following curl to get all product information and look at the imageUrls array which contains all product image urls. Note that the marketplace and ASIN are contained in the end of the url. You could also change the marketplace for example to US if you need information from the Amazon US marketplace.

curl -X "GET" "" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

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How to get amazon product price, seller and other buybox information

To get the amazon product prices or buybox information from the sellytics DATA API you need as always your access token. You get more information about how to obtain an access token from here.


Amazon product prices are useful for re-pricing strategies within e-commerce shops, marketplaces and are also needed for affiliates that want to improve their customer and visitor experience. With the sellytics DATA API it’s really simple to obtain amazon product prices, seller and also buybox information from an amazon product.

Access product details which include product price, seller and buybox information

You can use the following curl to get all product information and look at the buybox field/object which contains the last known amazon product price and more meta information like wether it’s a prime, plus or amazons choice product (badges). There is also the ASID, amazon seller id for the seller and the sender (fulfillment) and the rrp (Recommended Retail Price). Note that the marketplace and ASIN are contained in the end of the url. You could also change the marketplace for example to US if you need information from the Amazon US marketplace.

curl -X "GET" "" \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR-TOKEN-HERE' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

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